Premium wild caught fish brands

Kinmedai “Tosashimizu” – Alfonsino

KINMEDAI – Alfonsino
Kinmedai “Tosashimizu” – Alfonsino
Kinmedai “Tosashimizu” – Alfonsino
Kinmedai “Tosashimizu” – Alfonsino
Kinmedai “Tosashimizu” – Alfonsino
Kinmedai “Tosashimizu” – Alfonsino
KINMEDAI – Alfonsino Kinmedai “Tosashimizu” – Alfonsino Kinmedai “Tosashimizu” – Alfonsino Kinmedai “Tosashimizu” – Alfonsino Kinmedai “Tosashimizu” – Alfonsino Kinmedai “Tosashimizu” – Alfonsino

The north-flowing “Kuroshio” ocean current brings a rich ocean harvest to Tosashimizu City in the southeastern part of Kochi, Japan. Fishermen on small boats catch kinmedai one by one with the fly fishing method. The fish are handled very carefully, and in the evening of the same day they are packaged for shipping to cities in the USA.

Izumi “Ougon” AJI – wild caught horse mackerel

AJI “IZUMI” – Hourse Mackerel
Izumi “Ougon” AJI – wild caught horse mackerel
Izumi “Ougon” AJI – wild caught horse mackerel
Izumi “Ougon” AJI – wild caught horse mackerel
Izumi “Ougon” AJI – wild caught horse mackerel
Izumi “Ougon” AJI – wild caught horse mackerel
Izumi “Ougon” AJI – wild caught horse mackerel
Izumi “Ougon” AJI – wild caught horse mackerel
AJI “IZUMI” – Hourse Mackerel Izumi “Ougon” AJI – wild caught horse mackerel Izumi “Ougon” AJI – wild caught horse mackerel Izumi “Ougon” AJI – wild caught horse mackerel Izumi “Ougon” AJI – wild caught horse mackerel dish_aji_005_1000_750 Izumi “Ougon” AJI – wild caught horse mackerel Izumi “Ougon” AJI – wild caught horse mackerel Izumi “Ougon” AJI – wild caught horse mackerel

Izumi Aji are nonmigratory yellow horse mackerel that grow up in coastal bays where it attains its golden color and round form. This fish has moderate fat content and very high quality flesh with a delicious sweetness. “Ougon Aji” means Aji that “tastes like gold” in Japanese. They are caught by pole-and-line fishing, one-by-one. The caught fish is kept overnight in a live fish tank to maintain its quality and shipped to the market the next day. The quality of this fish receives the best evaluation from top sushi restaurants in the Ginza area, Tokyo. Recently at the Tsukiji market, this fish was bought and sold at prices more than 5000 yen/kg.

Akamutsu “Benihitomi” – Black throat

Akamutsu nodoguro black throat
Akamutsu “Benihitomi” – Black throat
Akamutsu “Benihitomi” – Black throat
Akamutsu “Benihitomi” – Black throat
Akamutsu “Benihitomi” – Black throat
Akamutsu “Benihitomi” – Black throat
Akamutsu “Benihitomi” – Black throat
Akamutsu “Benihitomi” – Black throat
Akamutsu nodoguro black throat Akamutsu “Benihitomi” – Black throat Akamutsu “Benihitomi” – Black throat Akamutsu “Benihitomi” – Black throat Akamutsu “Benihitomi” – Black throat Akamutsu “Benihitomi” – Black throat Akamutsu “Benihitomi” – Black throat Akamutsu “Benihitomi” – Black throat

“Benihitomi” is a brand name of akamutsu, a fish caught in the oceans of the Tsushima and Iki Island area by the “Jigokunawa” fishing method. “Benihitomi” is called the “King of Akamutsu”.

INA SABA– “INA” Brand Mackerel (Wild)

SABA – Mackerel (Wild)
INA SABA– “INA” Brand Mackerel (Wild)
INA SABA– “INA” Brand Mackerel (Wild)
INA SABA– “INA” Brand Mackerel (Wild)
INA SABA– “INA” Brand Mackerel (Wild)
SABA – Mackerel (Wild) INA SABA– “INA” Brand Mackerel (Wild) INA SABA– “INA” Brand Mackerel (Wild) INA SABA– “INA” Brand Mackerel (Wild) INA SABA– “INA” Brand Mackerel (Wild)

Ina-Saba is a brand of Japanese mackerel that is caught in the rich sea of the Tsushima area. Only selected pieces are picked for Ina-Saba brand, according to the following strict standards:
1) Caught by pole-and-line
2) No scratches on the body
3) More than 6 hours cooling time immediately after harvest
4) Size 5Kg/box

1) 一本釣りであること。
2) 魚体に傷が無い。
3) 水揚げした直後水氷で6時間以上冷やし込みされたもの。
4) 5キロ前後でひと箱になるようにサイズ選別された物。